123 Petits Pas offers a variety of online French programs, products, and workshops for parents and young children (ages 0 – 9 years). We aim to provide our participants with a fun French environment while offering parents the opportunity to take part in their child’s first little steps towards bilingualism.
Through music, movement, and engaging activities, we ensure that both parent and child enjoy themselves while learning useful French vocabulary that can then be used at home on a daily basis. Find out more about our classes.
123 Petits Pas was founded in January 2018 by a local French immersion teacher, Mme Amy, who saw the need for support for parents hoping to raise bilingual children. Her desire to raise her own son bilingually sparked the idea of teaching parents and young children at the same time in order to ensure that all children could have the opportunity to experience French as soon as possible! The demand for 123 Petits Pas Parent & Child Fre…